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How to Help

About OAR

What We Do

Organization for Artificial Reefs (OAR) is an all-volunteer non-profit organization (IRS 501c3), founded in 1985 to serve recreational fishing and diving enthusiasts along Florida’s Big Bend Gulf coast. We have created, deployed, and maintained over 30 named reefs throughout the Big Bend region of the Gulf. This process requires planning and collaboration among OAR, local and state agencies, marine research academic and other professionals, other artificial reef groups, and private partners. Please contact us for more information on how we promote marine biodiversity, fishing, and diving opportunities in our region. The GPS coordinates to all of our reef locations are publicly available here.

We need volunteers!

Are you an experienced diver? Do you have computer and writing skills? We also need writers to process grant applications. We need volunteers!

We need donors!

If you don’t have time to volunteer, you can still help by making tax deductible contributions for reef building.